Saturday, May 2, 2020

DIY Open Source MicroZed Breakout Carrier Board For MicroZed Zynq FPGA SOM board

For new FPGA SoC related project, and i will be using Avnet MicroZed Zync SOM board. But Avnet microZed Board has two 100 Pin fine pitch connectors for expansion, Which is impractical for prototyping so i decided to make my own breakout board.  Finding Avent microzed GPIO breakout was little hard and official board has same VCCIO regulator for all banks and avnet board also does not have differential LVDS layout.
So i made this Open source Board, With three separate switching regulator for each bank VCCIO on 4 Layer Gold finish board with most of microZed pins broken out in LVDS pair. PCB is 4 Layer impedance control for 100R LVDS pair. Board has 3 solder jumpers per regulator to change bank voltage of each bank separately.



There is not much in schematic , only few switching regulator for all Bank Voltage and IO headers .


PCB Gerber , Source and Schematic PDF available at github


  1. Hey, do you have any plans to implement the previous mipi camera project to xilinx platform?

    1. Yes, That is exactly what i am working on right now. New raspberry PI camera MIPI CSI-2 interface to Xilinx FPGA is coming in just few weeks.

  2. Replies
    1. A big MIPI Receiver Project is coming up with Crosslink NX

  3. do you sell this board blank or assembled?
