this is third part in the series of making a linux capable ARM processor board at home, last part we have designed schematic and PCB , in this part we are going to assemble PCB and see if it boot for first time. here is Second Part , here is First part and Part 4 U-boot Bootloader Porting and Cross Compile.
there are very few challenging part which may create a little issue in soldering. but all the part are hand solder-able with a little or no extra tool. i have a hakko fx-888 soldering iron with standard tip , kester flux , paste and thin kester solder wire.i also have a cheap Chinese hot air and an descent quality toaster oven. although hot air is all we need.
i have ordered PCB from osh park , they came very fast and good quality. as usual i have received 3 boards , i have also ordered stencil from osh stencil. stencil is not actually needed , it only help to solder all the component faster . if you don't want stencil you can always do without it , new BGA always comes pre balled so no stencil needed ,Processor has leads so no problem at all.
the component which need a little care while soldering are