The General purpose 16x2 or 16x1 char LCD are very easy to interface with any microcontroller , and these lcd are really very cheap and thoroughly available in the whole world, but the only problem with these lcd is they require 4 or 8 data lines + 2 or 3 control line to at minimum 6 line and maximum 11 lines are required. that not good because many small package microcontroller like PIC10 ,PIC12,PIC16 from microchip ,MSP430 Texas Instrument and Attiney from Atmel there all microcontroller have either 6 to 15 I/O lines. in this condition this technique will save you many I/O line because in this we use only 2 wires to connect the lcd with any microcontroller.
Most of these 16x2 ,16x1,8x1,8x2 ,8x4 ,20x4 and so on use stranded 8 line data and three control signal EN :- enable ,,RS- Register Select(data/command) ,, RW - read write
for futher details how these lcd works , pin configuration and command other things please visit my previouse post CLICK HERE :- 16x2 LCD with MCU
Most of these 16x2 ,16x1,8x1,8x2 ,8x4 ,20x4 and so on use stranded 8 line data and three control signal EN :- enable ,,RS- Register Select(data/command) ,, RW - read write
for futher details how these lcd works , pin configuration and command other things please visit my previouse post CLICK HERE :- 16x2 LCD with MCU