An alphanumeric low cost LCD Display is very essential for may small and big projects to Display various type of information. Hitachi HD44780 Chipset based 16x2 char LCD is Really very cheap and easily available in the local market.
Project Description:-
In this project we are going to learn various things about this chip set and displaying text on this LCD. The HD44780 16x2 char LCD screen Use 8bit and 4 bit parallel interface with backlight.
This Primary Objective in this project are:-
1. Displaying "Hello Word!! LCD " message on the scree.
2. Interfacing The LCD to the Microcontroller Using 8bit Mode and 4 Bit Mode.
3. Generating and Displaying Custom Char on the LCD Screen. clik here for custom char
Project Description:-
In this project we are going to learn various things about this chip set and displaying text on this LCD. The HD44780 16x2 char LCD screen Use 8bit and 4 bit parallel interface with backlight.
This Primary Objective in this project are:-
1. Displaying "Hello Word!! LCD " message on the scree.
2. Interfacing The LCD to the Microcontroller Using 8bit Mode and 4 Bit Mode.
3. Generating and Displaying Custom Char on the LCD Screen. clik here for custom char