Most of the alpha numeric LCD like 16x2 char or 16x4 char have ability to generate few custom characters. in this example i will show you how to make and display these custom characters on a 16x2 char lcd with Hitachi HD44780 lcd controller.
HD44780 LCD can have upto 8 custom characters.
the basic technology of lcd based on 3 type of memory
HD44780 LCD can have upto 8 custom characters.
the basic technology of lcd based on 3 type of memory
CG ROM : this the memory which holds the permanent fonts you call to be displayed . this holds the pattern for every single character of predefined lcd font. and you call the content of this memory by the placeing corresponding ascii value on the lcd port . like for retrieval of 'A' you have to send the ascii value of 'A' which is 0x41 to the lcd. CGROM can also be seen as computer hard drive from where you load your required program into ram to start working. but it is not modify able because it's rom.
DD RAM : DDRAM is the memory which holds only those characters which are currently on the screen . means if there is a message is currently being displayed on the screen then it has to be on the DDRAM
for example if you want to display "hello" on the screen then you have load pattern of h from the CG ROM TO DD RAM then do the same for 'e' ,'l' ,'l' and 'o'.
for example if you want to display "hello" on the screen then you have load pattern of h from the CG ROM TO DD RAM then do the same for 'e' ,'l' ,'l' and 'o'.