Pickit 2 clone The Universal Microchip PIC Programmer /Debugger

About The programmer

        The PICkit™ 2  Programmer/Debugger is a low-cost development tool with an easy to use interface for programming and debugging Microchip’s Flash families of microcontrollers. The full featured Windows programming interface supports baseline, mid-range, PIC18,8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit microcontrollers, and many Microchip Serial EEPROM products. With Microchip’s powerful MPLAB Integrated Development Environment (IDE) the PICkit 2 enables in circuit debugging on most PIC microcontrollers. In-Circuit-Debugging runs, halts and single steps the program while the PIC microcontroller is embedded in the application. When halted at a breakpoint, the file registers can be examined and modified.

1. This device will work like the normal pickit2.
2. This wll work for any pic (5 and 3.3V devices)

3. No mosfets no complex, only one voltage boost circuit.
4. you can program the target without PC.

Simple Steps to made This programmer

Step 1:- 
Download:Firmware and circuit
he following packages include circuit and firmware.
Firmware is the software which going to be burn into programmer's microcontroller, this firmware have code to enable the programmer to communicate with pc via usb and target microcontroller.
Click This link to dwonload the Firware and circuit 
Pickit 2 clone files 

you can also download the firmware form the microchip web site.
For Supported device list Please refer to Readme.txt and pickit 2 user manual for details on building, installing and using Pickit 2.

Step 2:- 

Buy The parts You need

click here to download complete part list 

you can skip  IC3 and IC4 if you do not want  the feature of programming without PC.
these two eeprom chip are to store the code to be written on the target mcu without pc.

Step 3:-

PCB and Part Soldering:-

You can create your own pcb using any PCB editor like eagle, OR you can solder the circuit a general purpose pcb, You Can also Use PCB created By me Click here to dwonalod my pcb design.


Bottom layer


A 3D model

Step 4:-

Getting The PIC 18F2550 Microcontroller Ready To be used as a programmer:-

Getting the PIC 18F2550 microcontroller ready to be inserted into the newly soldered pcb ,and start working. you have to burn the firmware which you just downloaded in the Step 1 into the PIC 18F2550 microcontroller. you can use the serial PIC programmer to get this job done.click here to know about how to make a serial PIC progammer and how to program the PIC 18F2550 by using a serial avr programmer.

Step 5:-

Driver installation on a PC:-

At the first time when you connect your programmer to the pc your programmer will be dected as Pickit 2 programmer and you may have to provide a proper path for drivers to be installed.

Step 6:-

Programming the other microcontrollers:-

 To program other target mcu you can use the pickit 2 software  or you can use  MPLAB IDE
you can use this pickit 2 clone as debugger with MPLAB IDE 

To download PICKIT 2 Software  click here  to go to Mircohip web site.
To dwonload MPLAB IDE go to Mirochip web site.

PICkit 2 Programmer Software showing PIC 18F458 Connected

Connections to the Target MCU

you can programe may microcontroller  by using this schematic , all you need to do is that find out the data sheet of that mcu you want to program and check the pin configration. and the look for   PIN PGC(clock)  PGD(data)  Vpp(/MCLR)  and the power Vss And Vdd like shown in the image blow.

if there is any sort of trouble to work this out please make  a comment


PIC MCU LCD Driver (7 Seg LCD & PIC16F917 )

Volt Meter Using PIC MCU


  1. hi this is sarin,
    Did you do any modification from my version?
    does this have VPP first programing?

    If you can give a very brief explanation of the features i will post it on my blog, so it may help somebody

    1. good work gaurav!!!
      i built this programmer in just 450 Rs. while other sites sell this for 1200-3000 Rs.
      everything works like charm. just some points to rembember,
      1]double check ur pcb after etching as tracks may go wrong.
      2]solder components properly as per the real photo posted on site(not as per eagle 3d schematic given on page, its wrong especially transistors)
      3]remove R36(240R)
      4]install pickit 2 GUI s/w before connecting programmer to PC.
      5]try diff usb port of ur pc if it does not detect.
      see in the control panel> devices and printer.
      good luck!!!

  2. Hi Sarin Sir

    i learned a lot from your design
    yes there is some modiction

    1. i posted a link on my post. thanks for helping people out there. Design looks very nice.

  3. helo,
    in this circuit hw can i program pic18f2550 used,pls post serial programmer without using any mcs.it will be use full for many beginners.

  4. hi nidhin

    you can checkout my older post for how to program 18f2550 for this pickit clone


  5. Hi Gaurav,

    it seems like VDD is not configurable and VDD calibration (Calibrate VDD & Set Unit ID...) might not work? Other functions work just fine, nice work!

  6. HI

    No sense to waste the time and money to build the programmer, I was buy from ebay pickit 2 (clone from original) from(sure electronic-china) for 22$usd with transport included.

    Regards from Macedonia. :)

  7. hi,
    serial port programmer in the link doesnot support usb to serial converter,pls post circut with usb2serial compactable .Iwant to make this circuit.

  8. Greeting Gaurav,

    in order for someone as new as me to get things clear, are the following steps in the good line ?

    1)Buy the part from the link you have given,

    2)Make first the parallel pic programmer kit

    3)Load the hex files in that 18F2550 or 18F2455
    using the WinPic800(can we use any other program to load the HEX files?)

    4)Now that the PIC in HEXed we construct the pickit2clone from the schematics from this site

    5)When the clone is ready we can install the 18F2550 into the clone

    6)Instal Pickit2 software and MPLAB IDE from Microchip.

    ..and then we are ready to use the pickit2clone to program other pic's ?

    Thank you in advanced.

  9. Dont pay attention to dachomk. This is a super blog and a super sircuit and people will feel happy after making this by them selfs.

    I dont know if you Gaurav or NIDHIN or any other person finds this interesting but about USB IO Board PIC18F2455 / PIC18F2550
    i think this link =>http://electronics-diy.com/USB_IO_Board.php might be interesting....

    By the way...Greetings from Greece were the REAL Macedonia is for over 2500 years now.

  10. hi Ellinonosis
    i am very glad for you comment

    you are correct with the steps..
    but two things ::-once i have tested the parallel port based programmer they don't work quite well they show you the device is programmed and but the mcu will not function properly so you can you this serial port programmer http://microembeded.blogspot.com/2011/05/microchip-pic-serial-port-programmer.html

    and you can use any programmer you want to first program the 18f4550 .

    i have just giving suggestion only for those who don't have any programmer at all .

  11. and
    you link to usb io board is interesting
    i have all ready made one by my self

    and my one has 16 digtal io lines and 6 analog channels too for any kind of sensors or to monitor some voltage

    check this out my usb io board
    based on 18F4550

  12. dear gaurav,
    can i change pic18f2550 to pic16f73,wat changes heve to be made?.

  13. it is not possible to change the 2550 with any other mcu as
    the firmware is totally developed by microchip

  14. dear sir,
    i have constructed this circuit and found pblms,
    1)transistor Q2 is very very hot,bt Q3 is fine.
    2)pic2kit identifes the board,but showing error VDD or vpp is not configured
    i tried tools--> troubleshoot showing there is a short in the board

    pls tell wat the leds indicates(esspecialy yellow in schematic)
    pls pls help me to correct the circuit.

  15. dear sir ,
    vdd error is cleared,bt vpp is only 5-7 volts,some of pic require 12 volt vpp ,can this circuit provide vpp of 12 volt ,or with any modification ,can this circuit give out 12 volt vpp

  16. hi nidhin

    this circuit is capable to generate 12 vpp on it's on
    don't worry about that
    try to trouble shoot using pickit 2 pc application and tell me the detailed result

  17. and vpp should around 11.5 to 12.5 or something like that

  18. dear sir ,
    my observation during test ...

    start up(pickit2 connected to pc via usb,without target baoard)
    1.PICKIT2 ERROR-->PICKIT2 VPPvoltage level error


    [MESSAGE:pickit2detected an expected voltage onthe vdd pin(NOTE:SLOW RISE TIMES CAN STILL CAUSE VDD ERRORS)]


    2)TEST-->RESULT TEST FAILED ,LOW VPP DETECTED,VPP is not reaching the expected voltage.vpp cannot support more than afew mA of current
    result voltage of test:7.1v(imp:during this test transistor T1 IS hot)
    /mclr on---result mclr on.. (pls check the device /MCLRpin with a vOLtmetre to verify the pin is pulled low(IMP:NOW TRANSISTOR T1 IS NORMAL

    /mclr off-->result mclr off



  19. PCB printing from pdf is not accurate. Could you please provide us the soft pcb file?

  20. dear sir ,
    please reply for my previous observation in troubleshooting pickit2

  21. Every thinh looks fine , except the vpp genration section .

    If any of the transistor get hot then it means you have done some mistake is placing component or transistors.

  22. here pre assmbled inductors are not available in the market,in this circuit what is the max tolerance for inductor,in my circuit i used wire winded type bt i doubt wat its value ?,is it critical?

  23. I replaced my inductor with same with more numbr of turns ,now i tested it again now i found vpp is 11.6 volts is it sufficent?,or does it need exactly 12.00 volts.

  24. hi nidhin

    if can't find the inductor then, may be you should look for them in some old electronics gadget.

    i have personally seen a exact 680uh inductor in a nokia cell phone batter charger . if you have any old crap nokia phone charger then go take a look may be you can find one. to recognized a inductor take a look of my prototype there are two thick resistor look like components they are inductors (actually i use two 330uh inductor in series to make one 660uh )

    and 11.6 volt is fine i think that's enough.
    if you still have any problem go and do trouble shooting once again and the application will automatically tell you if there is any problem

  25. yes,i got exactly wat you said ,it look like 680ohms 1/2watt resistor(marked L1),BUT when i toubleshoot again voltage vpp is 10.4volts and it is saying vpp is low.wat may be the problem?,or 10.4 is enough?

  26. thanks a lot ,pickit2 is working it detects my controller ,i changed one faulty transistor ,then it is working smmothly,vpp is 11.9 volt on troubleshooting,& it give 12.04volt on the pin ,again thanks alot.........

  27. hi
    i want to know what are the 2 chips at24cp
    are they i2c memory if yes what are their sizes
    and plz post a datasheet for them cause i cant find it

    thx in advance

    1. these chiPs are eeprom from atmel 24C512

      you can skip these eeprom if you do not want the feature of programming without PC. these two eeprom chip are to store the code to be written on the target mcu without pc.

  28. hey.. i am going to do this circuit,,, bcz i need a programmer immediately.. can i trust ur circuit.. does it work properly... if any a prob wit dis .. just tel me... thanks gaurav

  29. i have MPLAB version 8 and PICDEM .hex file burning software.... can i burn new PIC's with above softwares and this circuit,,,?

  30. can u give the components list and clear circuit schematic... if u d't mind.. would you plz mail me 2 the id papudc@gmail.com

    1. components list is download able from the Page there is a direct link

  31. I want to know if I can use instead of AT24CP, 24LC512 as it is in the original pickit2?

    1. sure you can use.
      you can even skip these eeprom if you do not want the feature of programming without PC. these two eeprom chip are to store the code to be written on the target mcu without pc.

  32. I want to make these programmer and I have another question.I want to know an equivalent for 2n3904. 2N2222 would go instead?
    Thank you anyway for your kindness.

  33. hey gaurav... tnx for ur reply.. can i program all series of PIC using this circuit... does it hav any problem wit the circuit

    1. this circuit will program all the devices that can be programmed with the original pickit 2

      for list of the devices supported by this pickit 2 go look on microchip web site for the pickit 2 read me file there is a list all the supported devices

  34. first am telling sorry for disturbing you.... your circuit PCB layout is not clear ...... can u give a clear circuit pcb layout...am in urgent dats y am disturbing you. sorry.. if u d't mind .. will u mail me the files to papudc@gmail.com

    1. you can't view this circuit completely g because the image is very big to fit on a screen to all you have to do is right click on the image and save it then you can open in you image viewer software
      this circuit is as clear as Possible,
      n please try to understand that i don't send any thing to anybody's email address directly

  35. gaurav am teling abt d pdf file pcb layout... dats not clear in in actual size...

  36. hi
    my english is not perfect,ı made circuit. ı use EEPROM 24LC512 and serial 330 uH bobbin.ICSP measurements of configuration;
    VDD 4,99v
    MCLR 12,15v
    PGC 26,70 Khz, High VDD 5V,Low VDD 0,15 mV
    PGD 26,65 Khz, High VDD 5V,Low VDD 0,16 mV
    I use PIC16F877A but I don't programming.I tried the system in computer and notebook but each time I read " PROGRAMMING FAILED AT MEMORY ADDRESS 0x000000"
    I tried from outside VDD voltage(+5v) and I read " PROGRAMMING FAILED AT MEMORY ADDRESS 0x000000" again. I tried different two PIC16F877A and I read errors " PROGRAMMING FAILED AT MEMORY ADDRESS 0x000000" I take photos ınterface of PICKIT 2 Software. To download PICKIT 2 Software photos http://www.2shared.com/file/cEFhG03h/PICKT_FOTO.html

    1. the hardware looks fine have you connect the VPP(mclr) to the mclr of the target mcu Pin Please if Possible try to Program some other mcu like some other family PIC18 or something.

      and which version of Pickit 2 APPLICATION you have on the computer it looks quite strange in the images.

    2. Interface ver: 2.60 and 2.61
      firmware ver: PK2V023200
      I am sure that ICSP connection is true
      I tried two different interface (Interface ver: 2.60 and 2.61) and I read errors " PROGRAMMING FAILED AT MEMORY ADDRESS 0x000000"

    3. are you using 330 uh inductor? it should be 680uh

      n if possible try to power the target mcu's mclr at 12v from some other power supply. not from the pikit it self

      n please let me know if the programmer does same for some other mcu like pic18.

    4. pc power supply 12volt out-->PIC mclr\vpp in pin
      pc power supply 5volt--> vdd in pin
      pc power supply GND ---> PICKIT2 and PIC Vss pin
      interface Not Device

    5. hi friend,
      your problem was solved?
      आपकी समस्या का हल हो गया?
      हो गया हो तो, कृपया करके हमें भी बताये।

  37. I want to know an equivalent for 2n3904. 2N2222 would go instead?

  38. This cicuit is not capable to generate a VDD voltage source lower than 5V because is not well designed. I simulated the op amp part in proteus and i have found that by removing R36(240R) the op amp works correctly. The corectness of voltage sources depends whether r22=r23.

    1. u r correct i hv modified the schematic
      and tested with the 3.5 volt output thank you verymuch

  39. hi
    plz i want to ask if i can use an inductor about 800uh instead of 680??

    1. i guess 800 will do the job but makes sure you to first measure hte VPP with a multimeter before using the Pickit it should not exceed 12 Volts

      if can't find the inductor then, may be you should look for them in some old electronics gadget.

      i have personally seen a exact 680uh inductor in a nokia cell phone batter charger . if you have any old crap nokia phone charger then go take a look may be you can find one. to recognized a inductor

    2. thx
      but you mean by a crap nokia charger the Chinese replacements or orginal ones?

    3. also what is the use of the non soldered header?

  40. anybody who has a PICKit 2 programmer?

  41. Dear Gaurav,

    If I need to make the PICKit 2 Clone without "AT24CP" chips, what would be the schematic? Do I have make any modifications? Pls explain.


    1. no modifications needed
      go ahead..

    2. Dear Gaurav,

      Thank you for your reply. I have ordered the parts needed and once the project is completed I'll send you the result.


    3. Hi Gaurav,

      On April 5, 2012 Laurentiu has stated there is an error on the schematic and as a solution he suggested removing R36. I've checked the downloaded zip file which has the schematics contains the same R36 (240Ohms). Can you rectify? Or if I'm wrong can you please give me the directions to download the revised schematics?


    4. i m really sorry about it,R36 must not be there and i have already updated the schematic witch is displayed on the page , but i forgot to update the zip file .

    5. i have updated the zip file also
      thank you for reporting error

  42. hi gaurav
    i like your design and i want to make the same so iwant a clear pcb layout.can you send me the pcb layout at naveenjangra.nj@gmail.com

  43. Hello and thank you for posting such a nice circuit.
    I have few questions hope that you would help me.
    1. Is the one of ICSP useless? I do not see clear text on schematic and also your finished board only has one ICSP.
    2. IS the juncion near c8 and C7 meant to be connected?(the one saying +3.3/5 v out)
    3.Is V_TGT near Diode D1 the output from pin X3-2?
    5.What can I subsitute in place of 22 pf capacitor because The place where I live do not have supply for the ceramic capacitors.

  44. hi i built it it is awesome
    i also removed the r36
    i want to ask
    does the debugger, Uart tool, logic analyzer
    works in this design

  45. Congratulations ..

    Yes debugger ,uart tool, logic analyzer are fully functional as in pickit .

  46. Hi
    I have made this programmer (in addition to original one). It works fine, just same like original one. R36 was removed from SCH. 680 uH inductor is self-made. I have used a small ferrite ring. I was able to made exactly 680 uH because I have LC-meter. Vpp voltage is about 11.9 V. It is ok.
    Thank You, Gaurav!

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Hi. I build this PicKit, but I make a new PCB. You can download SCHEME adn PCB on Rapidshare. Link is here:


    Scheme and PCB was built in EAGLE 6.1.0

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hi, I am newcomer. I tryed this morning to download your PCB file, but the link is wrong. I get a message like the file is removed. how can i get your eagle files ?
      Best regards

  49. thanks for that circuit and guidance
    and i am looking forward to it

  50. Sir,
    thanks for this useful post. I am a beginner in microcontroller world. i tried to make the circuit . there are two problems:

    1. pickit2 not detected i.e no driver installation phase.

    2.T2 (3904) and inductor(630uh used) are excessively hot.

    Please help me out with your valuable suggestions.

    thanking you in advance

  51. I forgot to mention :
    1. when i connect my circuit to laptop, green leg glows permanently and yellow glows, but die out (off) slowly within 15 sec.

  52. can i use the same pcb design and just dont use ic3 and ic4 (if i dont want that feature)?? Pls tell me that is this cicuit tested?? help me....I want to build one for me.

  53. please circuit after the ICSP to the target pic

  54. sir , finally programmed my pic18f2550 with your serial programmer.

    pickit2 is detected but its showing '' pickit2 vpp voltage level error''.

    troubleshooting shows 1. vdd test pass 2. vpp test fail-> short or heavy load detected ..

    my inductor gets very hot while operating pickit2.

    please help
    thanks in advance

  55. plz put your valuable suggestions


    1. the error may be due to
      1. wrong transistor connection
      2. faulty transistors
      3. short circuit some where in the circuit
      4. or lose solder joints

  56. hi
    1)can you please explain the theory behind the vdd circuit(the op amp circuit)

    2)i want to know how does it works
    3)and what are the Vdd_tgt_p % Vdd_tgt_n in terms of signal type and use
    4)and what is +3.3/5V_out in terms of signal type and use
    5)and what is V_TGT in terms of signal type and use
    6)and what is in terms of signal type and use

    thx in advance

  57. hard ware not responding error again and again
    plz explain i am using a tr c945 and a92

  58. Hello Gaurav, nice cct, thanks. I don't have the 24cp512 eeproms but i have the higher 24FC1025. So i want to replace the two with one of this and with its select inputs connected as follows: A2=Vcc, A1=A0=GND. (it can't work otherwise) Will this replacement be ok? Thanks.

    1. EEPROM is not an issue
      you can even skip these EEPROM if you do not want the feature of programming without PC. these two eeprom chip are to store the code to be written on the target mcu without pc.

  59. Hey Gaurav!...I must say I love the simplicity with which you have mentioned the steps!...really ,thank you so much !.

  60. I have a few questions: Is the circuit made on a single sided through-hole PCB (only 1 layer). Or is it both sided?
    Also, i would be very grateful if you could send me the .sch or .brd eagle PCB file for reference as for PCB fabrication i need access to the different layers separately. (Drill legend/copper mask etc.)
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    1. yes it is single layer with few jumper wires and optimized for home made process,
      but you wanted to go for manufacturer then i guess pcb size would be very small.

  61. 1. how about watt each resistor put on pcb. what each value resistor 1/2W and 1 W?
    2. how about volt each capacitor put on pcb. 25volt or 50 volt or 100 v?

    I want to built pickit clone. I need your help sir.
    I a newbie, please forgive me about my language.
    Thank u very much sir

    1. the resistors are rated for 1/4W power , all caps are 25V

  62. Hi, I am newcomer. I am trying to download nee fakt PCB file, but the link is wrong. I get a message like the file is removed. how can i get this eagle pcb files ?
    Best regards

    1. i have just tested the link and works just fine for me . even if you need the files on your email i will send there too.

    2. Hi Gaurav,
      I have tryed again but it does not work. Tanks to email me files.
      Bests regards.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. Tested Clone PCB, Its working fine. But when I set the output voltage there is no change in the output Voltage. So will it support 3.3V CPU?

    1. i have tested the circuit, and the voltage can be set to 3.3v no problem at all. so it can work with 3.3v devices too.

    2. I have done test in two different PCB (One made by my friend and another Me). I set the output voltage to 3.3V and checked with multimeter. Output still shows 4.93V.

  64. first of all if you built it refering to the pcb image here
    you have to remove R36 = 240 ohm in the opamp circuit
    it is in the upper part of this image

    if not and you built it from the schematic shown here be sure to download the latest schematic?
    because i think it has been updated(R36=240 Ohm is removed)

    i think this is the problem

  65. need help-thanks for the circuit above all working fine except while selecting programmer-to-go function ,after downloading i get red led blinking constantly(vdd/vpp error),cant figure out why,everything else is working fine

    1. Dear Gaurav & onlineTPS.com,

      I have built this circuit & everything works except the programmer-to-go feature. The red led starts blinking constantly after downloading of hex file to eeprom chips is complete. If anyone has solved this problem, please post the results.

      Thanking you,
      Vineet Kumar Singh

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hello!

      I've solved this problem but my board never gives 5v on the VDD target pin (ICSP Pin 2). However, if I put an external power supply through VDD target pin, the board works well.

      Could anybody help me?


  67. Hi,
    I have built the circuit exactly as said by you. used 2X 330uH inductors. I am getting VPP error, it is showing 10V. While troubleshooting VPP, transistor T1 gets hot. Where can the problem be?
    Pls help.

  68. hi , i personally used 2x 330uH because i don't any one of the 680 uH in stock. but still 2x 330uH is not a problem. if any transistor get hot that means some or any of the components are misplaced or misoriented or faulty or lose connections. please check thoroughly for any of such things

  69. Hi, I translated your article in Russian, suddenly someone will be useful - USB программатор PIC-контроллеров (клон PICkit 2)

  70. Hello.
    I just finished building this and i can't get it to work. I get it to connect with the PC, but it says i have a vdd error. Also, T1 gets hot sometimes, and Q2 gets worm.
    I measured VDD on the board, and it's under 1V.
    I also removed R36 from the circuit.

    Any ideas on what to test next ?

    1. if any transistor get hot that means some or any of the components are misplaced or misoriented or faulty or lose connections. please check thoroughly for any of such things

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Hello.
    I managed to make it connect to PC, but when i do the tests, the PCG pin in always off. Any idea on what transistor or any components i should check/replace ?

  73. Manage to get it working after i detected and replaced a 30 ohm resistor...

  74. hello gaurav,

    I want to thank you for providing this circuit.

    I built the pickit following your schematic, but the problem is my laptop is not detecting the pickit.

    First of all as soon as i plug in the usb port in the slot there is no driver detection phase.

    Secondly after plugging, the LED1 is glowing but its way too dim.

    * No transistor or inductor is heating up.

    Any idea what could have went wrong?

  75. Hi gaurav thanks for share;
    I complated it finally, after some transistor problems. I think 3d model and shematics shown wrong for Q2,Q3,Q4,Q6,T5. when i replace like your pictures it's work. But calibration util give an error like this http://s20.postimage.org/beq9vkpp9/pickit.jpg what can i do.

  76. Hello gaurav sir
    I completed my pickit 2 board but still i get an error massage
    "PICkit 2 VDD voltage level error.
    Check target & retry operation."
    please help me and give me a valuable suggestion.

  77. Hi Gaurav,
    Is it possible to get the PCB for this programmer as I do not have the resources to make the PCB?

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. hello
    I have assembled pickit 2 board but still i get an error massage
    "PICkit 2 VPP voltage level error.
    Check target & retry operation."
    can any one has solution

  80. in ur zip file i seen schematic of clone but i cant seen R36
    so its updated schematic in zip or not

  81. Transistor T2 2n3904, its emittor is it connected to anything, or its used just base and colector? I have some schematic of PICKIT2 but its not full, and in boost circuit there is no T2 and there is 1n4148 insted. Can i use that diode insted, and if i use transistor emitor is not conected or?

    Best regards,
    Sorry on bad eng

    1. T2 2n3904 is used as a diode, do not warry. Using a Schottky diode here (20V) will probably give a better result, but it is ok with 2n3904.
      I have built this sch, it works fine. I also replaced 2 inductors with 1 sef made coil on small ferrite ring.

  82. sir i want schematic file in eagle of this clone
    please send me .
    my email:khilan5916@gmail.com

  83. Hello Gaurav Chaudhary, I would like to know if the PCB PDF file is on mirror, I mean if it ready to print it on a toner transfer sheet.
    my email jarnoldo.hernandezl@gmail.com
    Greeting from Mexico.

  84. Your PCB PDF file is corrupt. I want to print the PCB. Can you mail me on devangs3@gmail.com or upload a new file please..............?

  85. Hi Gaurav,
    I am a hobbist and got interested in PIC"s so Just started studying PIC but facing issues with programming a PIC. I want to build a programmer but don't have the resources to build a PCB. Can you or anyone has a spare PCB, I would be really thankful for the help....

  86. Hi all,
    I am a hobbyist interested in making this programmer but do not have the resources to make the PCB. Does anyone have a spare PCB I would be really grateful. I am ready to bear the cost.


  87. Mail me at prakash199@gmail.com

  88. Hi ,
    I tried to redraw entire project, would you be kind enough to look at and check out any deficiencies.



    1. is it free from all deficiencies?
      if it is then please email me its pcb files..

  89. sir!
    PLZ help me,
    start up(pickit2 connected to pc via usb,without target baoard)
    PICKIT2 ERROR-->PICKIT2 VPPvoltage level error

  90. Hi to all,

    just want to share some of my experiences. Built the board even before R36 (240E) was removed but faced some problems regarding Vdd calibrations.Here is the summary what I changed in order to pass all tests successfully:
    1. Removed R36 (which does not exist in latest HW version)
    2. Changed LM358 to MCP6002 (rail-to-rail op-amp, very cheap)
    This helped to be able to adjust Vdd from 4.97V down to 2.7V (not to 2.5V!)
    3. Changed R24 (330E) to 10x value (3k3)
    This helped to get the voltages down to 2.5V. 330E is simply closing the Q3 (BD140) too soon. Normally the R24 should be 10x R25 (1k) but I stayed as low as possible. This also depends on the type of the BD140 transistors used.

    A hint: if you stay in country where the decimal delimiter is comma (,), not punctuation (.), try to use comma when calibrating in Pickit2 -> Tool -> VDD Calibration ... when inserting the measurement 4.x Volts (e.g. 4,26 in my case). Although the hint in Pickit 2 says "4.000", the comma is just fine, otherwise an error "Could not fully calibrate the unit. The USB voltage may be too low to completely calibrate." does occur.

    Now everything works as charm (Vdd, Vpp, calibrating, programming). Good work, Gaurav!

    Greetings to all from Slovenia!


  91. hi,
    i am try to programming in PIC18f4550, PICKIT2 are detected device but not program, programing time error "PROGRAMMING FAILED AT MEMORY ADDRESS 0x000000"

    anybody help me.........

    1. may be the target is faulty of ISP connections to the target are lose. is the vpp okey? around 12V.

    2. Thanks sir!
      yes vPP is ok, 12v,target is connected & detected

    3. is this possible that you can try to program some other target? do you have any other mcu is sock.
      because i can tell you with experience that this error usually occur due to faulty target or lose ISP connections to the target are lose or you have used very long wires from the programmer to target board.
      chances of bad programmer are seems to be very less.

    4. sir!
      wires is no long,hex file "FFFF" is program successfully. but other hex file is not programd,sir! reset circuit is required in target mcu, sir PLZ send target circuit in detail or image,
      & this program supported list

    5. the programmer shows successful message on 0xFFFF because its the default value on memory location.
      so your programmer is fail to write the device properly.

      i have displayed more then required images to describe how you can connect target to the programmer i believe that is adequate. if you still need more examples then please check my other post how to connect this target device to programmer.

      supported device list is in the pickit2 user manual file that is all ready on the post. i hope at least you have read the post.

    6. link of image pickit2



    7. as i said before there is some issue with the programming not reading the device.
      so programmer can read the device id and able to detected the device.
      please try with different target see if that can be programmed.
      what is vcc level when programming and reading the device.

    8. THANKS sir!
      vcc level is 4.3v,& VPP 11.9v,device is detected, device is verifide, device is blank check, device is erased, read & than (FFFF)hex file is programmed successfully, but other hex file is not programmed.

  92. Hi every one :
    thank u very much for this useful circuit....
    Before Start to build this Programmer PIC KIT 2 Did u test to Program any chip with out PC .....
    Pleas Reply ... Pleas
    Thank you again

  93. thanks............
    for this useful circuit....
    my Programmer is worked successfully....:)))

  94. sir i am too from dehradun,need your help if you could send me thr pcb layoutof this programmer only for usb mode only and pls guide abt some books to get to know more abt microcantrollers. pls send all the schematics regarding the same.pls reply soon

  95. I have bought PicKit-3, though expansive - what is the pros and cons with the clone kit above? Pls enlighten me. Thanks in advance.

    1. not much advantages you will get with pickit 2 , but with my experience with both pickit 2 ,pickit3 ,

      pickit 2 is more reliable, in terms of use.it almost never hang or behave odd.
      pickit 2 is faster in few cases. you do't have to download new firmware into pickit 2 every time you work with different family. same will work for all.
      with low range pic10 pic12 devices i always prefer pickit 2 over pickit 3

      pickit 3 new , supported , compatible with all of the new ,old and upcoming microchip mcu while pickit 2 gone it will not update.

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. Dear Gaurav,

    I would like to make the pickit2 clone, but with SMD components where possible. I was wondering whether you can upload the schematic file the same way you did with the other supporting files as i am using the same schematic/layout editor (Eagle) and like to re-design the pcb-layout with SMD components. Can you please leave a reply?

    Kind regards from The Netherlands,
    Wouter Janssen.

    1. here is your reply,
      there is no smd PCB design file is available. i hope you understand that , if you wanted to do a smd prototype, design it your self, its easy.
      if you wanted me to design one for you with investment of my time. i can send you a quote.
      thank you

  98. hello and welded all the components your publido pcb design, I have no memories worse, some functioning influences within the circuit and soldier

    1. i did't understand what exactly you are trying to say.

  99. Excuse me, can you please reply on my message from October 28th, please?

  100. hi, i have made you PCB desing, and cant find one of the component (24LC512) memory. Does it matter to have this component in the PCB to the circuit to work properly, or it is just optional. Let me now as soon as you can. thanks

    1. you will need only if you wanted to have capability of programming target mcu without the PC.
      if you do't want that function you can skip the eeproms , they are optional .

      programmer can function normal even without the eeproms.

    2. Hi,
      If you're familiar with eBay, you can take a look there. There are several people who have them for sale. http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313&_nkw=24LC512&_sacat=0&_from=R40

  101. I connect the PICkit, there is voltage but the software does not recognize it

    1. please elaborate , i need more details ,

      have you burned the pickit 2 firmware in to PIC18F2550 which you are going to use as progammer

  102. I did the pickit to the scheme published. but connect to the PC and not recognized. despite already welded all components.
    There is only one small memories I have not let me know because I do not recognize the pc and the influence of the memories

  103. I did the pickit to the scheme published. but connect to the PC and not recognized. despite already welded all components.
    There is only one small memories I have not let me know because I do not recognize the pc and the influence of the 24LC512

  104. Sir I have some Q's in this project

    *can i use 800uH as my inductor (resistor type)?
    - isn't affect the circuit?

    *i found IC LM358N in my country, is this would work perfectly if i use it?

    *rail to rail specification on the opamp part is important to this project, and LM358N is not support "rail to rail" spec, did you do a trick to support a rail to rail in this type of opamp
    or is it has a capability to have that spec quietly?

  105. Can I replace the PIC18F2550 with PIC18F4550 that i have available?
    The firmware will be compatible ?

    Thank you in advance.

    1. yes it is possible ,but you can't just directly burn the precompiled hex file into PIC18F2550 , you have recompile the code and may be make a very tiny adjustments according to that.

  106. Hello.
    I made this and it works perfectly well. Now i need to make 1 another but i want it in SMD. I wander can i put BDP 950 instead of BD140? My hardware store does not have much of smds so i am relative limited. Thanks

  107. Why you don't use RB3, Vdd TGT N ?

    Thank you in advance.

  108. there is some issue related to the connection between the target and the programmer or target is not getting power or target is faulty

  109. Hi, I need advice. I do not know where it leads emitter terminal T2 2N3904. It leads to GND? Thank you.

  110. can any one please explain connections and components connected to pin 26.

  111. i made that ur pickit2 clone but whenever i connect it to usb it say usb device not recognized... i programmed that PIC18F2550 with your serial programmer... and programmed hex file successfully.. but still giving this error..plz help me.. every connections seems to be okay.

  112. Thank you so much! My the Pickit2 "clone" is OK - yet :D :D Gaurav Chaudhary.....

    1. congrats , i want to ask thus above ckt is correct or u have made some changes to it. can u please post pcb layout of ur pickit2 clone

    2. Pradeep, no, no change. Only can see that the scheme is poorly filmed transistors and I think that is all :)

    3. please help me...showing vpp error

  113. gaurav,
    i made the pcb soldered the components ,i used two 470uh inductors serious in the circuit ..when i connect the pickit to pc it is not detected...inductor is heating up..what may be the problem...

    1. its only because wrong connection or short in the circuit

    2. now it shows vpp error...while trouble shooting with pickit2 software it shows short or load detected message...should i change the inductor to 330..or is it ok with 470..

  114. Looking nice circuit ,,,,,, I shall try to build it in the near future.

  115. I liked you post and i am looking forward to make this programmer. But there is one request that can you upload the eagle project file so that i can redesign the pcb instead of designing the schematic from image file.

  116. can u send this project in eagle files?
    may email. aigars1976@gmail.com

  117. tx for files. i alsou need part list

  118. I do not want to be difficult but there is an error in the schematic or pcb picture ....
    The pcb picture shows two inductors and the schematic is only 1 shown?
    What am I missing here?

    And could you mail the .sch and. brd files of eagle to the egscheers@gmail.com.

    tnx for that and tnx for this clone pcb.

    greetings from the Netherlands

    1. u can use jumper for one inductor. Or two inductor in series.

  119. And resistor R36 240Ohm in you partlist is nowhere to be found in the schematic...
    i think i'm blind ;-) but i'm asking kindly so i can build this wonderful programmer

    greetings from The Netherlands again....

  120. or are there 2 inductors of 340UH in sequence?

  121. Its a Very interesting Clone ... I intend to try ..
    can I have the Eagle files of this design .. I have a few tweaks to make to make it easier for me to make the PCB

    also .. I am interested in the ( Programmer to Go Function ) .. I intend to buy more EEPROM Chips and write Several Programs ...

    but i have a question .. does the EEPROM Chips hase to be 64k >> 24C512 .. can it be less or more ???
    also can I use one Chip only in the time of Writing to the Programmer >> It Will help if I can Use only one 24C512 for each Program ...
    also what are the substitutes for 24C512 CHIP or AT24CP ???

    My Email : Lan.Hekary@Gmail.com

  122. I hope you never remove this website

  123. Dear Gaurav,
    thank you for this circuit. I have made this programmer. It worked fine on the first connection. No problem :). The serial programmer for 18F2550 the same, no problem.

    I would like to ask you how is the procedure of programming without PC. Is the second connector for it? How can i to test this?

    Thank you very much.

  124. Hello buddy!! The images provided showing the components placement & their values is very messy. It would be of great help to everyone working on this model if you could provide .brd & .sch files (Eagle)

  125. Hi! I have made this programmer, and it working very vell. But I am a beginner and, I have a few questions.

    This scheme does not support self-test, does not it? Why? The problem in the firmware or in the schematic?

    The schematic have two ICSP. One for programming, and for what purpose is the second? For in-circuit programming own PIC18F2550?

    What is the purpose of AUX1 in ICSP? Whether it is necessary to program any special chips?

  126. This scheme does not support self-test...

    1. this schematic support ALL the features of original PICKIT2 , if original pickit support self test the this schematic also support

  127. hello I have done everything as described and connected the pc tells me dispositvo usb not recognized , why? help

  128. May I have the Eagle files? I need to make some adjustments to be able to fit it on the copper board i have.

  129. all the source file of the project is available in the github repo


  130. Sar Do u have Tested the programmer to go feature in the circuit!!

    I made the PicKit 2 and when i download the program to the eproms it showes (vpp/vdd) error by Fast Blinking tehe busy led......but in nor mal mode the programmer is working fine PLEAS HELP

  131. Hi Gavrav,

    Before i start i shall express my sincere Thanks to You for all the works :)

    Am a newbie to PCB and schematics like these and i know nothing on this. I did the pic clone referring your guidelines here. I am successful in downloading the firmware into 18F2550 via serial programmer and Pic Kit clone is detected in PC. I face few problems.

    Heating problem of inductor gone away after i replaced the 2N3094 transistors.

    1. As soon as i open pic kit 2 application the error window saying "VPP error" pops out
    2. In VDD & calibration dialog i am not able to do calibration. Its returning "calibration cannot be done. USB voltage low"
    3. I tried to proceed as " TOOLS->TROUBLESHOOT
    i. First step of VDD calibration returned error. 4.5 volts is expected but the actual voltage is 4.2 /4.3 Volts both in the measured space in application & measured with multimeter. The Window throws error as "low VDD voltage. pull down problem "

    Please help me. sorry if am asking silly queries.

    Amarnath. A

  132. hi all,
    i removed the R36 240 ohm resistor and vdd calibration is successful.
    Am facing vpp error. i tried to troubleshoot using pic application - it throws error as short or heavy load. also the T1 whose collector is connected to L1 is getting hotter during vpp test.
    am helpless and i request help and suggestion to make this clone work . pls help.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Try check your transistor Q4, Q6 & T5 direction/face. In gaurav component layout & 3D component layout there is wrong face direction for transistor Q4, Q6 & T5. See the firts top or second top photo of gaurav pickit2 clone, than try compare with component layout or 3D component layout. Hope it can solve your problem

  133. This comment has been removed by the author.

  134. Thank u very much gaurav. After double check, this pickit2 clone work well. Its fast, faster than my RCD programmer using winpic800 or k150(cheap USB pic programmer with many error/problem). I just want to tell u & other people how want to build this pickit2 clone. Be carefully, the component layout transistor Q4,Q6& T5 is wrong face/direction (3d component layout wrong to). For the correct face/direction, See the "pickit2 clone" photo( the top firts or second photo). Always double check with schematic. Then the inductor, gaurav version pcb using 2 series inductor (2x330uH=660uH close to 680uh). If u have single 680uH, just put jumper to the other inductor.

    Gaurav, i have one question. In your schematic & your pcb layout,T2 2N3904 emiter pinout is not connected to any where. Is that correct?

    Once again, thank you gaurav


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