Agilent Keysight 1152A Active Probe Autoprobe Smart Probe, Probe ID Mod Patch

 This Post is going to be about modifying Agilent/HP 1152A active probe to be able to support 5V input and Smart Probe ID. 1152A Active  Probe is available in used marked at quite reasonable price but it is not supported by many new generation Keysight Oscilloscopes. As few of these oscilloscope have not fully featured Autoprobe interface and only output +5 -5V . Normally a fully featured Autoprobe interface should set supply voltage as requested by Probes Rp Resistor. 
So to be able to use 1152A active probe with every Keysight oscilloscope regardless how limited its Autoprobe interface is, I have made this small PCB with 4V Regulator with good  PSSR to be able to support +5V input  and 2Kbit EEPROM to support Smart Probe. This probe does not use -5V so its left untouched .


Schematic has a regulator and EEPROM. EEPROM to support Digital Probe ID and Regulator for supporting 5V input. This probe does not use -5V input so there no need for regulator on that pin. 


Flap soldered back to Prevent sorting with Enclosure.
Flap soldered back to Prevent sorting with Enclosure.


Programming the EEPROM
EEPROM Dump blow shows hex dump of 1158A probe, With internet search more hex dumps can be found. 

Buy Assembled Flex PCB Board

You can Buy Fully Assembled Flex PCB board that will be ready to be installed by user. You will receive board as show in Image blow

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PCB Soure and EEPROM Dump
